Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClientImports dataConnection
Partial Class ErrInfo Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public error_ID As String
Public errpath As String
Dim DatabaseObject As New dataConnection
Dim datareader As SqlDataReader
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim strSql As String Dim ex As Exception = dataConnection.LastError Dim ErrMsg, pageUrl, stack_info As String ErrMsg = dataConnection.LastError.InnerException.Message.ToString() pageUrl = dataConnection.lastURL.ToString stack_info = dataConnection.LastError.ToString ErrMsg = ErrMsg.Replace("'", "") ErrMsg = ErrMsg.Replace(".", "")
Dim errLine As String 'errLine = Mid(ex.ToString(), InStr(ex.ToString(), ":line") - 20, InStr(ex.ToString(), "at System") - InStr(ex.ToString(), ":line") + 20) errLine = Mid(ex.ToString(), ex.ToString().LastIndexOf(":line") + 6, 8) 'ex.ToString().LastIndexOf("at System") - ex.ToString().LastIndexOf(":line") + 20)
Dim pageArr As String() = pageUrl.Split(New [Char]() {"/"c})
Dim currDateTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim errorDate As String
DatabaseObject.openDB() errorDate = currDateTime.ToString("dd/MMM/yy")
strSql = "INSERT INTO ERRORLOG VALUES ('" & dataConnection.lastURL & "','" & Request("aspxerrorpath").ToString & "','" & ErrMsg & "','" & errorDate & "')"
DatabaseObject.executeNonQuery(strSql) datareader = DatabaseObject.executeReader("SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('ERRORLOG') as error_id") If datareader.HasRows Then datareader.Read() error_ID = datareader("error_id").ToString End If
datareader.Close() datareader.Dispose()
'send error mail to admin Dim body As String body = "
<table cellspacing="'3'" cellpadding="'3'" width="'90%'" align="'center'" border="'0'">" body += "
Dim page_name As String = Request("aspxerrorpath").Substring(1) 'Response.Write(body & "
" & page_name) DatabaseObject.sendMail1(body, "", "cc", "Error on file " & page_name) 'DatabaseObject.sendMail1(body, "", "cc", "Error on ..") End Sub
End Class
add following in global.asax:
Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs dataConnection.LastError = Server.GetLastError() dataConnection.lastURL = Request.Url().ToString End Sub
add following in web.config:
<customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="ErrInfo.aspx">
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